As she regains her throne, the Sovereignty of the Self, the men and the world will follow.
The golden age prophesy is that a new world will be birthed, but the truth is – this can only happen, the balance of the planet can only be restored – when women and men meet each other on equal footing, when the crime of patriarchy is extinguished, and when she takes back her throne. In feminine spiritual law, her boundaries of self-love and self-care – she waits on no one and never again asks for permission.
Men have taken everything and for too long.
Throughout time and space, the goddess has been assaulted and manipulated and lied to. Her power was destroyed, the matrilineal line was buried and original documents were hidden and burned. Her story has been his-story, of his conquests of war and women delegated to secondary creature, and like Eve in the garden, blamed for the fall from grace. History has been a damaging deception, a horrific crime of such magnitude that it has raped the soul of womanhood and cut off her true potential, her authentic voice, replacing natural feminine gifts with wounds of self- judgment, guilt, punishment and pain. Suffering from the disease of the EVE EFFECT, she is still brainwashed into believing that patriarchy is natural and ordained by the heavens and she is, as Aristotle said- “incomplete and damaged” and must be fixed. Religion was used and is still used to imprison her. Men censored, rewrote, and murdered the sacred goddess and her spiritual magnificence.
Until now!
In karmic light speed, on fire with recent, horrific political abuse, she is fueled, and angry and ready for her prophesized re-evolution. Only now her fight is a higher movement, a feverish feminism, a dramatic activation back into her divinity – but way, way beyond her original scope. What began as a mission on the ground, fighting for basic rights, wages, votes, body protections, respect, freedom and escape from abuse – is now a deep inner journey to the resurrection of her soul power.
Watch out world! Women are waking up. And the planet has never really seen what a lioness can do when it rises from centuries of slumber. The roaring now unleashed can heal the crime of the ages- to make her forget her ancient magic. The plan did not work. Now as superwoman, no one can destroy, belittle, criticize, rape, weaken, silence or kill her ever again.
In her royalty, she is the divine lighthouse, inspiring and inviting others to join her.
Women are here. Women are here to save the world.