If only there could be a manual, a map, a science of why things happen and why they don’t. If only there was a simple formula to follow, sure-fire game rules, the right keys and codes to say:
This is the way – do this and you shall have this. If only earth school had a written curriculum.
Throughout the ages, people have tried to define the laws that make dreams come true. Spiritual systems inspire change in thoughts and feelings to transform the frequency of ourselves and our world. It serves us well and enlightens us. But the law of attraction is only a powerful beginning. It leaves out the journey of the soul; the healing of the soul; and our divine purpose for being here at this sacred juncture.
Failure to manifest has been a great cause for despair. The books have been read, the mind carefully watched, the feelings felt, the energy of positivity embraced, and daily affirmations passionately declared – and yet personal dreams are still wanting! For some it feels like the learning course never seems to end, the trials become new ones, the tests get harder and there is still so much pain and misunderstanding. It all seems unfair, especially to light workers, unless one changes the question:
Armed with these deep questions, one can embark on a divine healing activation:
I KNOW that everything happens so I will become stronger.
It has all been for me to become a warrior/warrioress and enter the battle of the light.
The job requires that I become an incredible divine being.
I / We are to become great because the great ones are gone and left the responsibility to us.
It is a big mission.
To do much, to be much, requires much.
I am no longer fooled or distracted by dark forces of the earth story but inspired by the divine truth that the light shall endure and triumph.
The time is now.
- We are here to grow our souls.
- We have come for divine remembrance and power.
- We have come to take back the earth.
- We are to be warriors, masters and kings/queens.
- Know the truth and be free.
- Everything happens for our highest good.
- We manifest what serves the conscious healing of our souls.
- Pain is the great catalyst, the starter fuel.
- We attract our issues and what we need to learn in order to become strong.
- The Universe is on our side; there is no need to fight it.
- If you combat the currents of the waves, things will take longer.
- Diagnose the hauntings of your soul. Close your eyes. The heart speaks in silence.
- Question what hurts, why, and heal it. Quickly.
- Watch for patterns, themes, and characters that repeat in your divine play.
- Know God wants you to heal where you are weak.
- Conquer the dark forces – the things that bring you down and make you suffer.
- Investigate what distracts and confuses you and makes you leave yourself.
- Ask the soul question: “What can I do to become a better person?”
- Don’t run or hide, but walk bravely through.
- Dare to heal and face fiery flames of purification.
- Never give your power away or let anyone take it.
- Don’t let anyone or anything knock you off your center.
- Stop blaming others – instead, look within.
- Follow the day and what comes to your front door – it is next.
- Respect divine timing.
- Ask for more of what you fear, because what you resists persists.
- Sleep well or ponder why you can’t.
- End all self-doubt and love yourself.
- Use divine forces to help you and guide you.
- Listen to your intuition, the voice of the angels.
- Hold high intention – harm to none.
- Stay on the mission, no matter what.
- Say first, and always, “After you God; In your name God; For you God.”
Soul prosperity is weighing your life by the light that shines within. You know why you came and that it is all worth it. You find happiness in the higher mission of saving people and the planet. The great work is the gold!