Do you want a new healing tool? Something easy, something you could travel with, something you could put in your pocket? Of course you do, because we all do. We’re all trying to survive and thrive and make it through the day.
The secret of secrets is that the simpler it is, the more powerful it is. This is one of the highest truths. So, in order to get through depression, pain, suffering, confusion, and every other kind of emotion that could mess you up, you could begin with the power of curiosity.
This means to look at things with wonder and gentleness. Hmm, I wonder why that is happening? Hmm, I wonder why I’m doing that? Hmm, I wonder what I did to create this? In this gentle energy field, you become an investigative reporter and become more neutral to your emotions.
Using the powerful tool of “Isn’t that interesting that I did that?” and approaching life from this gentle, wondrous curiosity, you will be using a very powerful tool to help you heal and to become more powerful and happy.