Do you know about the divine secrets of manifestation? The answer is probably no, because these secrets have been intentionally kept hidden from us to keep us small, brainwashed, confused, distracted, and out of our power. However, I’m here to shed light on some of these divine secrets so that we can rectify this situation, effect change, and put an end to what may be the biggest conspiracy of all time and space – the conspiracy to keep us small and to relinquish our power to certain doctrines and authorities. Instead, we need to reclaim our power.
First and foremost, it’s essential to understand that we are incredibly powerful beings. We are multi-dimensional light beings with the inherent ability to heal ourselves and the world. This truth has often been hidden from us, but, much like Dorothy discovering the power within her own shoes, the kingdom of God resides within us.
The second secret is the power of manifestation, akin to wielding a magic wand and uttering the words “Abracadabra.” However, the real magic words are “I am now.” By adopting this mantra and taking full responsibility for the creation of our reality, we can transform from victims to heroes. This means no more blaming others; it’s about accepting complete responsibility for our lives.
The third secret is conscious surrender. Contrary to the notion that we must constantly hustle and strive, tapping into divine energy necessitates receiving and being still. We must allow, like placing an order with a waiter and patiently waiting for the desired outcome. Whatever shows up in our lives is an opportunity to address unresolved issues and baggage.
Secret number four involves maintaining divine thoughts. We must consistently think from a higher perspective, avoiding descent into hopelessness and negativity. Our energy follows our thoughts, making it crucial to stay in a state of divine consciousness. This may require meditation, music, or immersion in nature – anything that elevates us beyond the limitations of 3D reality into the realm of divine reality. It’s from this elevated state that we have the power to create, as Einstein wisely noted: “You can’t solve problems from the level at which they were created.”
These secrets are the keys to taking back your power and manifesting your incredible destiny. Reflect on them, write down your desires, and put these principles into practice to unlock your full potential.
To stay in the light – no matter what and shine shine shine like a lighthouse. This is what we can do to help others and the world- to evolve and learn personally from the pain.