Do you want to know one way to get to the heart of your relationship problems, with yourself and with your partner? Track and find the Achilles heel. This is the wound, the spot, that little point of activation in you that gets you absolutely, like the bell in a carnival. It hits, and you go absolutely crazy.
It is the Achilles heel that takes you down, the little wind that goes, and you’re out, down for the count. And if you could find that in your relationship, you could understand all of your fights, all of your weaknesses, all of your issues. And you can also save your marriage, because your soul issue hits mine, that’s how it works. And the Achilles heel is that wound. For example, if your partner gets really mad at you and says, “You know, you don’t deserve to know about our finances,” or whatever crazy thing that happens in your fights, the fact that you believe it, that’s the Achilles heel. And we probably all have one, two, or three major spots. And if the other person brings that up, gets near it, or activates it, that is on you to heal. And when you track those, heal those, know what they are, when your partner says something to you, you will be able to stay neutral.
So, the Achilles heel and finding it, which is very easy to do, just stop and research, find out what your greatest, deepest wound is, then your relationships and the fights that you have will begin to lighten up and almost disappear.