Surviving the Times: A Collective Awakening
We must deeply understand how to survive these times because we are in collective trauma. Our nervous systems are on overload; we are freaking out, worried about the future. “Oh my God, how do we survive all of this?” So, I’m going to take a crack at it. There are certain things we need to know, and I try to share the keys to that so we can all be alright as we enter the Aquarian Age.
This is truly the time of inspiration, creativity, re-evolution, and a spiritual upgrade—a prophecy that is absolutely going to happen because the stars and planetary alignments are with us. This upgrade is real, and there are certain things we need to know to help it along.
We are in spiritual warfare, an intense battle of light versus dark. There is no doubt about it. One tool we must be aware of is fear and worry. If the dark forces can get you into fear, they’ve got you. The opposite is not to buy into it. Do not let toxic energy travel into your nervous system. Be aware of the most important thing: do not be afraid. If you give in to fear, they win. If you resist, they lose.
Spiritual Perspective for Survival
Take a spiritual perspective. Know that we are in a conscious awakening, and nothing can block or stop an idea whose time has come. Nothing. Many of us are here, evolved and good people, standing as pillars of light. By simply being born into this time, we hold up the frequency of the planet.
If you are breathing, here, and working on becoming your authentic self and enlightened, you are doing the most important thing you can do—being in the frequency of higher light.
Know that those who mess with the light, the power of humanity, goodness, and kindness, will implode upon themselves. The selfish, the greedy, and the unkind will face their downfall. You can sit back and watch the show, like being on a high mountain watching those in the lower caves. You are removed but aware. That is the key: do not be in denial, but do not buy into their lower frequency.
The Power of Collective Thought
The power of the people is the tool for advancement in the Aquarian Age. Science has proven that when a group focuses on a single idea, frequency, prayer, or wish, it amplifies and impacts the universe. There are enough of us in the light to make a difference. Spiritually, we are here to evolve and grow. Everything, even trauma, serves that purpose. Some evolve slowly, while others do so instantly through life-changing events.
Practical Tools for Survival
Here are some practical tools for survival:
- Do not let the news terrify you. Watch it with a protective mental screen, like plexiglass armor, so it doesn’t penetrate your system.
- Face challenges directly. Deal with problems as they come, like ocean waves. Don’t run from them—address them head-on.
- Focus on your purpose. Do what you are called to do, even if it seems small. Helping a neighbor or stranger is meaningful. Keep life simple and focus on what is truly important.
- Cultivate gratitude. Difficult times, like natural disasters, teach us to appreciate what matters. Let go of unnecessary material things and focus on healing. Ask yourself, “What is this pain inspiring me to heal?”
Raise Your Frequency
We must upgrade our frequency. Think of it as a dial that you turn up, like tuning a radio. Feel your inner light getting brighter and more intense. The simplest exercises, like imagining this light, can be the most powerful. By raising your frequency, you are no longer in the same world as the greedy and selfish.
Here is the mantra:
“I am fearless, therefore I am powerful. I align with the frequency of the Aquarian Age.”
Keep yourself high, detached but aware. Know that anyone who dares to shame the light, the goddess, the people, or humanity will face consequences. Each time you witness cruelty or injustice, remind yourself: “They will get theirs in the Aquarian Age.”
This is my survival guide. Perhaps there’s one or two things here that can help you. But above all, do not go down in fear. Stay strong, aligned, and fearless.