Nothing under heaven can arrest the progression of the human soul, on its long
pilgrimage from darkness to light, from the unreal to the real, from death to
immortality, from ignorance to wisdom,” Alice Bailey
It would have been so much easier to just put light on center stage and let this powerful
energy heal, inspire, and influence everyone to join in. But instead, higher guides,
following the divine plan (that has never changed) found again that pain, crisis, chaos
are very useful tools for advancement and can help lead the upgrade of America into the
age of Aquarius.
Pain has always been the purifying agent employed by lords of destiny to bring us out of
bondage into liberation.
The secret of secrets is to know that when you choose the higher path, it will shatter you
and break your heart and present every challenge and every monster to meet you at your
front door. You mistakenly think this road is easier and THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE.
So it goes with the world too! We can be shocked about the chips falling where they do,
but darkness in center position will expose all ugliness and then we all have to look at it,
own it, fight against it- once again.
The surprise game of 2025- can be called THE SPIRITUAL BACKPUSH- where things
are exposed, seen under a microscope and then taken down. Our defense of course is
the fight, but also to stop asking why, and to instead hold steady in the light with sword
and reality in hand.
This new age is not a time to just be spiritual. This is not a time to just live a high bar, a
kind of spiritual bypass, where you get to pretend and deny that trains are coming. WE
ARE NOT HERE TO BE THAT STUPID. And perhaps in the quiet in your own soul, you
are asking how to handle what is coming? Do I dissociate, live in a bubble, shut off the
news, meditate, cry for the world? No matter how you choose to drown it out…..
Upheaval is coming and it must be embraced- head on. And to know- you signed up for
it. And have been trained for it. And so you must now integrate – spiritual reality,
spiritual power, spiritual weapons and common sense to bring in the new world.
America and the world is in rehab. Again. And the healing techniques will be storms
and tempests and volcanoes, and every kind of intense energy to cleanse, awaken and
And as we move into the twisters, with trains coming- we must know what we have
always known- that there is a foundation of truth that is forever and no one escapes the
laws of karma, and the soul, and that it is all for the upliftment of the world and
So, Let the divine game shock you- but not the divine plan. The age of Aquarius is more
than a divine prophesy, it is a divine goal, a super objective that is our reason for being.
It cannot be shaken or changed.
Walk onwards now looking to that greater light with eyes steady on the higher
mountain- our divine destiny.