Happy New Year, everyone! But listen, if you’re not really feeling so happy about entering 2025, then you’re already doing what I’m talking about today: keeping it real.
I mean, I’m a spiritual counselor, and I’m all about lifting up into a higher vibration. But if I were alive in Nazi Germany and I knew, heard, or felt that trains were coming to bring the Jews to the ovens, what would I do with my spirituality? I certainly wouldn’t be hiding, pretending, dancing, or ignoring. No—I would be a soldier reporting for duty. I would be vigilant, and I would be asking, “Dear Lord, how can I help?”
This is known as the group of world servers. We all signed up to be here. We all wanted to be here in the Age of Aquarius to usher in this new era, which is also aligned with the planets. The Age of Aquarius marks the end of the 2,160-year cycle of Pisces. So now, we must organize ourselves into an energy grouping—a collective inner prayer and energy prayer—to bring blue, truthful, healing light to Washington.
By keeping it real, we say the prayer:
“Dear higher guides, dear angels, dear God, please bring divine intervention to the government, to Washington. Please expose all of the greedy, selfish, horrible people, and bring karma upon them.“
This is no time to be nice. We ask for the energy of truth, love, wisdom, and exposure. May all of the icky, nasty, horrible people be revealed, and may they not be allowed to get away with hurting sacred land—America, the land of the free.
Know, too, that if you are feeling distraught and afraid, this really is sacred ground—the land of the “I Am.” I Am America. This is where we all are—all the good ones—after all the fights we’ve endured for freedom and justice. We have to know this is a vibration. We must join together and use the energy of togetherness to form a sacred circle to enlighten the planet, to shine light, and to expose the darkness.
I know what I’m going to do, which is not to pretend it’s not happening. I won’t just go off by myself and think, “Well, I’ll just ignore it.” We are all being called. We have all been trained.
We must ask silently, “What is my role in this time period? How can I become part of a group and a great world server for the reevolution of 2025?