What are you really manifesting? So much is going on these days about the subject of manifestation that it is important to know how talented you really are at it. You might just be manifesting your fears, what you don’t want, and really what is familiar to you and feels like home.
Think about it. Even if you’ve been traumatized, even if you’ve suffered so much as a child—sexual abuse, a parent who didn’t give you attention or love—you don’t really want it. You could hate it so much, be in therapy about it, but the truth is, on an energetic level, it’s safe for you. It’s what we know, and we always manifest what is familiar.
In order to heal this, you have to acknowledge it. You have to bring it out into the light, bust it, and call it out. You have to go back to that little child who was so unhappy, track them, and let them know that you are aware they find this situation, this energy, so familiar and it feels like home. When it is busted, when it is acknowledged, when you know that we manifest home in the energy of it, then you can change it and not live in what is familiar.