The Divine Connection: Uncovering True Knowledge Beyond 3D Reality
What you need to know in your life is not found in any book, it’s not found in 3D reality, and it’s not found in society or through your parents. Real knowledge is found through a Divine connection. It’s like this: it’s like a phone connection. It’s like plugging in, being connected, and getting all the information that you need. This information, which is not found in 3D reality, is new knowledge, great knowledge, Divine knowledge, and it is available to all of us when we plug in and make that connection.
Because in this world, at this time, and possibly for all eternity, ignorance is the problem. Ignorance is getting the wrong information, which can lead you astray, which can lead you to a very bad path where you give your power to something, to a religion, to a teacher, to a system. That is very dangerous, and that’s what’s happening to all of us in this society now. We are trying to decipher information, but the information comes from the phone line.
Now, when you talk to other people, when you are in this connection, they may call you crazy, they may call you stupid, they may throw tomatoes at you. But when you are rooted and connected into this divine power, nothing can affect you because you are in this doubtless awareness of this knowing of who you are, what it’s really about, and you are getting the right Divine powerful information.
This real knowledge is about evolution, what we need to do. It is not about deservability and being good enough to have it. It is about plugging in and feeling this Divine connection, and then that will actually go to your nervous system, and you will feel this tremendous power, and you will not need the outside world to give you the answers.