Of course, you worry. We all worry. It’s a real problem—that monkey mind in the head that never stops. People are always asking me, How do I stop the monkey? How do I stop worrying? That’s because worry is a location. Worry is here (in your head), but to stop it, we need to go here (above your head)—beyond the mind.
If you’re looking for answers here, in your mind, you’re in the wrong place because the answer lies beyond the head, beyond the mind. So, we need to lift our focus here, and then all the thinking stops. Just try it: put your focus right here, not here, but here. You can’t really think when you focus the mind above the head, and all thoughts simply stop.
Trying to stop worry by thinking about it is a waste of time. If you’re attempting to stop it by thinking, you’re in the wrong place. That’s the wrong remedy for what truly needs to happen. We need to be beyond the mind and rest here. This is the new evolution of the soul—to rest here and to surrender.
In this connection of being here, there is tremendous peace. Each time a thought arises, say, Not now, not this, and shift the location of your soul and mind here. Try it, and you might find the simple answer to all the pain and chaos that goes on inside your mind, daily and continuously.