If you were a Divine master in the sky and you were looking down at your students, and you wanted them to listen to you, to wake up, but they were lazy, angry, unenthused, spoiled, how would you wake up a spoiled generation? Well, you would give them something to fight for, something to wake up for, and that is what is happening on the planet. It is the Great Awakening.
The problem is there is no one educating us about the soul perspective, about the Aquarian age, about the cycles of time, and what is really happening. We are bombarded instead by a media that wants us to think certain things and highlights bad news. It is a spiritual dangerous propaganda, and they do this through the weapon of repetition and fear. This exhausts us over and over again, day by day, with the bad news until the fear seeps into our cells, and we are hopeless.
Well, we have to combat this. We have to fight against this. And how do we do that? We have to know that despite how things appear, we are in a spiritual revolution, evolution. That everywhere, in every part of this globe, there are enlightened people—caring, loving, wise, insightful people—and that we are all working for the greater good of humanity. And we must focus on that, which is the truth, and to know that in the eras of time, the cycles of time, we have evolved upwards by the crisis, by the stages that we have been through. It is like we were purified by the fire, and at each stage, in each cycle, we have come out stronger, and we will come out stronger once again. And we will grow from these experiences.
And how do we do that? By using the word, refusing. Refusing to be in fear, refusing to be overwhelmed by anxiety, refusing to give in to the hopelessness. And instead, we must fight with vigilant hope, with joy, with staying steadfast in the light no matter what. And we must understand those two weapons: repetition and fear that exhausts us. And we must look into the face of this demon media and social media that tries to trick and say, “You’ll see, you will see. We will win. The light will win because it always does because we are people who are triumphant with vigilant hope and faith for a brighter tomorrow within, without, and for all.” And that is the truth. And never, ever let fear creep into your cells.