We have got to know how to clear toxic energy from our lives, whether it’s from this election, from the past ten years, or any other source. We understand that we’re not supposed to think negatively; it’s embedded in our belief systems. But do we really understand how toxic energy seeps in invisibly and affects our lives? It manifests as hopelessness, depression, anxiety, and all kinds of illnesses.
We must become masters of energy and learn how to clear it, especially given what we’ve all experienced in recent years. Who isn’t sick, depressed, fearful, or worried? Here’s a quick way to shift: We need to live in a higher vibration than the negative energy. That’s the law. You must learn how to scan. Close your eyes, imagine laser lights internally, and use them to scan for negative energy. Your body’s wisdom will guide you to where it’s seeped in and which part of your body is absorbing it.
Then, take that light and, in the knowing place of the power of light over darkness, decree and declare: “All negative energy from the last ten years, from the election, from toxic people, from COVID, from the media—I am commanding it out of my body. I am commanding this negative energy to leave me immediately.” Visualize this toxic energy appearing in the laser light and see it exiting through your feet, which have two “holes” for release. This is about taking control of your body just as you would control your phone or computer.
There are additional tools to support this process. For instance, you can look at a candle and let the act of staring into it pull away toxic energy from your eyes. Place your feet in salt water while looking at the candle, decreeing and declaring for ten minutes for negativity to leave. Nature is also a powerful ally: walk outside, lie on the ground, put your hands on Mother Earth, and affirm that you are giving all negative energy to the ground. Alternatively, place your hands on a tree, look at a sunset, or bask in the moonlight with gratitude, acknowledging the natural elements as tools to cleanse yourself.
On a deeper level, recognize that we go through pain to end pain—this is the process of purification before resurrection. That’s alchemy. We are in the Age of Aquarius, an age of enlightenment and feminine energy, which brings both enlightenment and healing. The feminine energy, or kundalini, moves up the spine, helping us evolve spiritually. This process is about purification, calling us all to rise up, wake up, and stand strong. For women, it’s a time to lead, as prophesied in this age.
This Age of Aquarius ushers in a tremendous period of spiritual evolution. Embrace it, release despair, and turn it into hope.