I dedicate these words to every woman, everywhere. May she learn through these words how to become a goddess, a queen, once again.
MAY it be known that this edict applies to every woman, in every nation, in every culture, in every era, for women everywhere suffer, then and now, from the wounds of his-story. The curse bestowed upon her down through the ages is the worst of crimes – the loss of her own soul and ancient magic. In the name of the most high, may she now be restored and resurrected into her divine power.
Hear her tale:
Once upon a time, there lived great women who possessed the secrets of the kingdom and the wisdom of the ages. These divine goddesses convened in sacred circles to heal the people and the land. But men grew frightened of her and devised an evil plan to steal her power. They used the most dangerous weapons imaginable – tricks of guilt, shame, and invisible brainwashing that turned her against herself. They tore her name out of holy books and blamed her for everything. The deadly deed – they stole her goddess power and her knowledge of it.
And so her magic lay dormant, hidden, and forgotten. Sometimes she caught glimpses of it, but without her wings, the world looped down into heavy weights of war and siege. Without her love and light, the world grew dark. Until now…
The golden age prophesy foresees a time for women. She must now rise up, wake up, and transform into the full restitution of her holy power. She must reactivate ancient codes, rebalance what is unfair, unequal and set things right. She must be “un-brainwashed” to lead the way for peace for herself, men and the planet.
It is time for her RE-EVOLUTION – A higher movement, a spiritual feminism, a circle back into her divine connection, beyond the original scope. What began as a mission on the ground- fighting for basic rights, wages, votes, body protections, respect, freedom from abuse, is now an inner journey to the resurrection of her soul power. She must be fully seated on her throne. Only then will equal men and women accomplish the joined spiritual task to heal the earth.
The battle has been long. Much has been required.
This remarkable fight to win back the earth is an unprecedented grand experiment to take over the job of angels and masters. We have been tried and tested for the divine mission. So many of us did not know the curriculum, the plan, or the reasons for the hard lessons, and so we suffered greatly. The new age taught us to attract from law, and so we are confused why our dreams do not come even when we do everything to make it so.
May the truth be known. We are manifesting what serves our higher soul. We are in a master class to gain strength and grow our light. All issues must be healed and cleared. The course is Spiritual Warriorship. Everything serves.
May she now reign again as the queen she is. May she understand the horror of her brainwashing and the crime through the ages. May she now reboot her sacred power, move into the sovereignty of herself, the place no one can destroy, belittle, criticize, rape, weaken, kill or silence ever again. She must take her place in history.
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