It’s Valentine’s Day and people are always asking me, ‘How do I manifest a soulmate? What do I do to have the love that I want?’ So, from a spiritual perspective, here are some easy tips. This is my life’s work, okay?
Number one, know it’s a science. You do what needs to be done, you will have it. If you commit to it, do the work, then it’s a system, a business plan, a formula. You will have it.
Number two, believe and know it’s possible. Stop all the negativity, the ‘I’m too old, it’s too late, it’s not possible, other people have it, I don’t,’ contrasting, comparing. Knock it off, all of it.
Three, know the spiritual truth of manifestation. ‘I am the creation of my own reality,’ which means I’m no longer blaming, I’m no longer a victim, I’m no longer going to put it on them, what happened. It is all about me starting now. What do I need to do to have it and stop waiting, fixing someone else?
You next need to vow and commit. To commit like a man or woman whose hair is on fire wants a pond. You must say, ‘I will do whatever it takes. I will not stop and take crumbs for fear of being alone. I will just do whatever is necessary to have a great, healthy love.’
Next, I have to ask myself these questions. Am I willing to do all that it takes? Am I willing to heal every inch of my soul? Am I brave enough to walk through firing flames of purification? Can I face myself in the light of day and can I look at my fears and the baggage that I’m holding? Can I become who I’m meant to be and can I become my list?
And then the next thing is to begin again, and to begin again from now. So those are some quick tips for Valentine’s Day to begin to change the way you look at love.