Did you ever see someone or even feel yourself that the energy of your life force has been sucked out of you—like as if a vacuum came and just took out your soul? Well, that is the energy of abuse.
You can explore it on a mental level, and you can get signs from the universe. You could be depressed, go to the doctor, and get some pills and medication. But what you really need to do is look in the mirror and see that your soul, your life force, and your light have been sucked out of you. There’s no smile because there has been an energy drain.
You could be doing all the things that an abused person does—denial, illusion, telling yourself a story that something else is happening. You could feel sorry for them, thinking, Oh, they’re a victim. They had a bad childhood. Poor thing. Or you could be really afraid that you’re going to be alone, that if you face the truth, it’s so scary—what are you going to do all alone? You can also hope and try to fix them.
But again, the energy of abuse—you can see it, feel it, and look in the mirror and recognize that your life force is gone. We must never love in an exchange, in a business deal like that. It’s like going into a bank and saying, Here, you can have all my money. Don’t worry, I don’t want anything. I’ll just take a few crumbs.
Sometimes, in a relationship, the other person is actually living off your light. We must energetically heal from this. We must take our soul back in a soul retrieval and make a decision that we are going to love in a more balanced, fair, and equal way.
But the real, instant, New York way is clarity and truth: I am being abused, and I know it. I am not going to tell a different story. As simple as that is, it is the beginning of healing from abuse—or from anything.
This is really happening. This is the story. I am not going to tell a different story or lie to myself. I am going to take back all the energy that was taken from me, lock it up, and never allow anyone to have all of me in order to love.
And that is the spiritual healing of abuse.