Did you know that we are all psychic? Did you know that it is our birthright to have this amazing power? Can you think for a moment how your life would change if you were able to use this natural gift, this power that we were born with?
The problem is that religion and orthodoxy have taken it away from us and have simply cut that phone line. But there are truths about psychic power that we need to now understand because we need more power. It is natural; it is as natural as the five senses. As a matter of fact, it is another sense, and it needs to be developed. It lies dormant until you know that you have it.
We think it’s evil, that we’re dealing with the devil, and that God didn’t want us to do it, which is all just real hogwash. Actually, it was Jesus who used not necessarily miraculous power but power that is inherent in all of us. We claim it’s a miracle, but it isn’t. It’s the natural way of things, and it’s time for us to develop it.
Since the beginning of time, when there have been new inventions, they have been called evil—”Oh, the devil’s here.” But this is like a new invention. We have the five senses, and now we have another sense, and it is important that we turn it on. Simply turn it on.
How do you do it? This is where it resides, in our third eye and in our hearts. Now, just close your eyes, imagine a light switch right there at your third eye, and simply, with the power of “I am,” say, “I am now turning on my psychic powers in my pineal gland.” Simply go to the light switch in your mind’s eye—one, two, three, turn it on.
Then experiment and live in the new reality that you have psychic gifts, another sense that it is your birthright to use. See what happens because you are aware that you are now gifted with this psychic power.