We are all having the same relationship and it is with an old familiar flame – FEAR.
Suddenly through the language of a virus, we can relate to each other, cry with each other, put aside our differences, understand universal heartache and even conjure up compassion and kindness. All at once, money, social stature and religion and politics are taken over by the stark truth- WE ALL SUFFER THE SAME! Isn’t it astonishing that a virus has done what nothing else could do – unite a divided country and wake us up out of slumber? How could microscopic parasites, generally much smaller than bacteria, do so much?
As a healer for many years, I have learned that the goal, the bottom line to peace, no matter where the story begins, is to eradicate fear and to transform into the reality of who we are – the light. Life can be reduced to a simple fight- fear vs divinity. And the alchemical journey is a train we all travel on- to change from caterpillar to butterfly, humanness into divinity. We are doing this within and throughout the globe.
The prophesized timeline can now be called The Age of Aquarius, The Golden Age, Armageddon, – it doesn’t matter because it is the same endpoint- THE COLLECTIVE MASS AWAKENING OF HUMANITY.
Lightworkers knew something was coming but did not know what form it would take. They prepared for it. They knew the mission/ the great work was going to be difficult, and that they would be tested, challenged, broken apart, strengthened, healed, torn apart again and for the purpose of becoming masters and warriors. They knew the great teachers were leaving and that a karmic cleansing, a great upheaval would expose the dross and bring everything up for healing. The lies would be placed center stage along with greed, injustice and selfishness.
Now the dark forces and their weapons of trickery must get public attention. They use fear to keep us out of our alignment and out of hope. But we call – GAME OVER. Our divine tool- WE WILL NEVER FALL FOR FEAR AGAIN. It is time for every person to state-I AM SOVEREIGN UNTO MYSELF.
No matter what you believe about the virus, and where you believe it started, in a lab, a government deception, a conspiracy theory, for takeover, for political and economic gain, all solutions are the same- AWAKEN AND EVOLVE THE PEOPLE.
It is as if God said to all of us- Be in time out. Take a rest. Reflect. Think about things. Make new choices. Grow. Regroup. Recalibrate, Rewire, Reboot. Get ready for the new world.
Like evaluating any of our relationships we have to answer deep questions about what the virus has done to us and for us…
- What have I learned from this experience?
- What is most important to my heart?
- What matters now?
- What needs to change?
- What fears are coming up for me to heal to become my best self?
- How do I want to live my life going forward?
- How can I be a better person?
- What can I give the world/?
And when you answer those questions, your eyes will open the windows to your soul. And like all powerful cycles of life- you will begin to change.
Imagine what hundredths of thousands of people can do by living in a high divine energy field without fear? “Collective consciousness has power to change our reality”- says Bruce Lipton in “The Biology of belief.