What can we all do about our democracy and our freedoms that seem to be taken from us? We all need to know spiritually that we have this power to join together, to activate, to manifest, and to call in divine intervention and help. Well, divine intervention has not come yet, and we have to spiritually ask why. Why have cruel, selfish, uncaring people been allowed to karmically get away with things? That is because we need to look higher at the spiritual reasons. There are lessons we need to learn, and we needed to learn. There was healing that needed to take place, there was a wakeup call so we wouldn’t sleep anymore, and there was a need to not take democracy and freedoms for granted.
This is a spiritual shattering, to never again sleep and allow stupid, uncaring, criminal, horrible people to lead this beautiful Nation. America is the vuti chakra, which means it is the chakra of communication. We lead the world in democracy and freedom, making America a very Holy Land, very sacred. So, we need to know that as we now join together and make that call for divine intervention.
Imagine now that we have a golden electrical light around us, and we are all in this light, joining hands. We invoke and decree that we have learned our lessons, we have woken up, we know now what we need to do. We know now that we are the leaders, and we will never again sleep and take our democracy for granted. With this joining and the power that we have, we invoke divine intervention to step in now and help us lead the world to its greatest days of spiritual evolution. We envision caring, beautiful people helping each other and creating the world as it was meant to be.
We take this opportunity to grow, to evolve, and to never, never allow this sleep to ever happen again. So, divine intervention and mass critical intent, we invoke to bring help to this world and every nation. We now take the opportunity to create the greatest spiritual revolution in this time period, the age of Aquarius.