We now have a new kind of wealth that comes
from the storm, the chaos, the jungle and the fight –
The battle -survived!
Like caterpillar into butterfly,
Like phoenix rising from ashes-
We personally and as a nation- transform into something else.
The prophetic alchemy-
To go through fire, to come out – inside stronger.
People asking – how are you doing in these uncertain times?
The soul reply – “I am growing- brighter, higher.
I now live in a frequency of depth.”
With hand on heart to grasp Rumi’s words
The gold that glows in your chest when you love.
Finally, a powerful destination- an arrival to the heart.
In light meant.
We have to thank the people who broke us apart,
The events that made us pause,
The trauma that shook our souls
To crack us up, so we can put ourselves back together and better.
There is treasure in the ruins,
Jewels in the pain.
Falling from cave to mountaintop
Forced to wake and look within
To find a new place to land- divine power.
This is the prosperity of which I speak.
To not be tricked by a rocky road.
To not be fooled by the hurting.
To not get lost in the process of change.
Instead to know the higher scope,
To burn up the past, heal the weakness, stop the blindness,
To make the new story of queens and kings,
To make the new story of a new earth.
This is the sacred land of forever gold.
Built with the magic wordwand – now.
Divinity is not a window, but a place
Time to move in as royalty
And bless America with new swords.